Monday, August 18, 2014

Alarm generator circuit schematic-based C51 MCU

1KHz and 500Hz with P1.0 output audio signal to drive the speaker, as an alarm signal, requiring 1KH z signal loud 100ms, 500Hz signal loud 200ms, alternately, P1.7 connect a switch to control when the switch is closed loud alarm signal, When the switch is turned off warning signals to stop, to compile the program.
  (1 of the "SCM system" area of ​​P1.0 port with a wire connected to the "Audio amplifier module" area of ​​SPK IN port;
  (2 in the "Audio amplifier module" area on the SPK OUT port connected to either 16 ohm speaker an 8 ohm;
  (3 of the "SCM system" area P1.7 / RD port with a wire connected to the "four toggle switch" area K1 port.

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