Monday, August 18, 2014

C51 microcontroller based design schematics manual counter

Using AT89S51 microcontroller to produce a manual counter, in AT89S51 MCU P3.7 pin to a touch switch, as a manual count of button with MCU P2.0 - P2.7 pick a common cathode LED, as 00- 99 counts of single-digit display with MCU P0.0 - P0.7 pick a common cathode LED, as 00--99 count of ten-digit display; hardware circuit diagram as shown.
   1 of the "SCM system" area of ​​P0.0 / AD0 - P0.7 / AD7 port with 8-core cable connected to the "four static digital display module" area in any one of a - h ports; requirements: P0.0 / A D0 corresponds to a, P0.1 / AD1 corresponds to b, ......, P0.7 / AD7 corresponds to h.
  2 of the "SCM system" area P2.0 / A8 -. P2.7 / A15 port with 8-core cable connected to the "four static digital display module" any area of ​​a digital control a - h ports ;
  3 of the "SCM system" area of ​​P3.7 / RD port with a wire connected to the "stand-alone keyboard" area of ​​SP1 port.

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