Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Clock alarm control circuit schematics

Schematic Description:
        1, one of the four 12-pin common anode digital pin number is: digital tube digital surface facing the viewer, the lower left corner is the first one foot, counterclockwise turn is 2,3,4,5 , 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 feet.
  2, if it is a single or two integrated digital tube digital tube, first measure the digital display segment control pin and public control pin, and then the same four-segment control pins are connected together by parallel wires after (a total of eight out of every digital connection that is eight wires), connected to the resistor R5 ~ R13, public control pins are connected to the emitter of the transistor Q1 to Q4 of.
  3, with the 40-pin socket Manifold soldered circuit board, manifold AT89C51 program after writing into the manifold outlet.
  4, own design control procedures or yellow with full teacher's program;
  5, the clock control output is performed by relays, control startup time, the relay is energized, the switch k1 closed to control the corresponding device startup; controlled stop time to time, the relay off, disconnect switch k1 to control the corresponding device stops. Specific control object is determined by the producers, such as lights, rice cookers and so on.

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