Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Infrared remote control receiver circuit diagram

The picture shows the infrared remote control receiver circuit. As shown below, the left part of the microcontroller is universal infrared receiver IR1838, which is the output pin 1, pin 2 and 3 are ground and power input supply voltage remains at 5 V, the left part of the microcontroller Minimum system is complete microcontroller reset function and start and stop, the right part of the circuit is constituted by a DAC0808 chip, the chip is connected to the output of an amplifier, after the voltage is applied by amplifying both ends of the DC motor to drive the motor the work. About DAC0808 its main parameters, the maximum error, fast settling time of 150 ns, high-speed input multiplied by the conversion rate: 8 mA / μs, the power supply voltage is ± 4.5 ~ ± 18 V to the chip for low-power The maximum power consumption of 33 mW. The DAC is 8, which means the input range of 0-255, the output voltage from 0 ~ 10 V change, so a minimum accuracy of 10/255 V, but after an integrated amplifier, also be able to drive a small electric motor of.

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