Monday, August 18, 2014

C51 microcontroller based design schematics timer

As shown below, the AT89S51 microcontroller ports P0 and P2, respectively, then there are two common cathode LED display P0 port driver ten seconds, and P2 port driver to display a bit of time in seconds.
  1 of the "SCM system" area of ​​P0.0 / AD0 - P0.7 / AD7 port with 8-core cable connected to the "four static digital display module" area in any one of a - h ports; requirements: P0.0 / A D0 corresponds to a, P0.1 / AD1 corresponds to b, ......, P0.7 / AD7 corresponds to h.
  2 of the "SCM system" area of ​​P2.0 / A8 - P2.7 / A15 port connection cable with 8-core to "four static digital display module" any area of ​​a a - h ports; requirements: P2.0 / A8 corresponds to a, P2.1 / A9 corresponds to b, ......, P2.7 / A15 corresponds to h.

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